My Interests, Experiences, and Philosophy
My three passions in life are:
- self-discovery
- energy
- working with draft horses on the land
I have been very fortunate to be able to work for myself which allowed me to travel and explore people, places, and thoughts.
Self-discovery has led me through many healing modalities and spiritual paths of which I share the best with my clients.
In the last five years, I have narrowed my focus of exploration to being here now and nondualism with The Sedona Method® as a very effective way for that exploration. I am also very excited about antiracism and am finally beginning to understand why it is the key to all social change.
I am committed to walking my talk and to living in the present, truly knowing that we are not simply our minds or our bodies – that we are all one. Because we are at such an amazing time in history right now, I believe that enlightenment CAN be reached in this lifetime as more and more people understand the truth of who they actually are.
Energy underlies all life and as such is a rich way to view the world.
A healthy energy field is vibrant and flowing whether in a cell, a person, an idea, a system, the Earth, and beyond. I love seeing how bodies, emotions, thoughts – in fact, everything that we can name – has its own unique energy vibration.
If you tune into what is going on energetically in any situation, it becomes very clear as to what needs to happen next for that being to flourish. I love supporting other folks in seeing and understanding their lives energetically.
Using draft horses to work the land is my meditation and relationship with the Earth.
In an increasingly ungrounded world, working with the land counters this airiness by grounding me in the physical realities – restoring the balance to both my personal and professional lives.
Working with the horses and the land in all its practicality only goes well when it is done from the heart, with ALL of oneself present. I find much joy and satisfaction in listening to the land, the horses, and doing a physical task which is both meditative and practical.
My understanding of the world and commitment to “walk my talk” draws upon and reflects my passion, interest, and experience from:
- Experience as a Sedona Method® Certified Coach
- MBA from Harvard Business School and two years training women business owners.
- Two years overland travel in Asia and Latin America visiting sacred spaces with a vision quest on Illampu, a mountain in Bolivia.
- Four years working in local and national political campaigns and social change organizations.
- Healing from childhood sexual and ritual abuse.
- Thirty years of training in many psychological, physical, and energetic modalities with diverse teachers.
- Fifteen years of working the land with draft animals and coordinating organizations that support sustainable agriculture for both farmers and loggers.
- Ongoing exploration of spirituality, in particular Buddhism, Shamanism, Bon, and Nondualism.
- Commitment to the physical through personal Cross fit and Tai Chi.
- Being profoundly, personally affected by climate change – leaving my land and community of 40 years to move to a cooler and less populated place
- Being a death doula for a good friend
- Being a dowser and using the Sedona Method® daily.
Lastly, what I love most is connecting with others with an open heart and mind, bringing all of my life experience to our time together with my focus on YOU, what you need, and who you truly are.
CLICK HERE to read my full bio.
I do this work with great gratitude to Rosalyn Bruyere, Emily Conrad, Steve Moran, Carol Tschirpke, Sig Lonegren, Mark Rashid, Oscar Miro-Quesada, American Society of Dowsers, Abraham-Hicks, and Harvard Business School.