Frequently Asked Questions
Who would gain from learning The Sedona Method® and being coached using the Method?
Learning and applying The Sedona Method®, whether being coached or on your own, would benefit anyone and everyone who has a strong, sincere desire to grow and improve the quality of their lives and/or anyone who is ready and willing to be free of their inner limitations.
What benefits can I expect to receive from The Sedona Method® right away?
The more you use The Sedona Method® tool, the more you will gain from it. Your results will vary depending on how long your issues have existed, and how much you actually put into this self improvement process. Nearly all people who have worked with The Sedona Method® have reported that they felt calmer, happier, and more alive – right away! This leads to improved relationships, emotional and physical well-being, and the greater probability of achieving your goals.
How can I be sure The Sedona Method® will work for me?
Unless you give it a try, how do you know it won’t work? Many other individuals just like you have successfully benefited from using The Sedona Method®, so there isn’t any reason to assume it won’t work for you. The Method works for everyone and anyone who has a real desire to improve and/or change their life for the better.
How quickly will I see results?
You will begin to see results and benefits from the first day you use The Sedona Method®. The benefits and results will dramatically increase the more you practice the technique. There will come a time when releasing becomes second nature to you, and you will continually see results and benefits from using the Method throughout your life!
What can I expect to happen?
You can expect to feel considerably better, have more control of your life, start making healthier choices and decisions, enjoy more satisfying and fulfilling relationships and, most importantly, have your life improve considerably. Due to the fact that each one of us has our own goals, unique life experiences, and different situations, the specifics for each individual vary widely. Once you learn how to release, your inner self begins to bloom and flourish in many wonderful and exciting ways.
If I am already involved in some sort of personal growth program or therapy or if I have done other personal growth work in the past, can The Sedona Method® still be of help to me whether I am being coached using the method, or using the method on my own?
Many people who had done a good amount of inner work and personal growth work commonly acknowledge that their insights and understanding of their childhood wounds had only taken them so far, and that the Method undoubtedly clarifies for them what they have been seeking all along: a calm, authentic sense of themselves and a means to maintain this awareness without difficulty. It’s likened to finding the missing piece to the puzzle.
Using The Sedona Method®, people who have no previous therapy exposure also experience a profound transformation in the way they enjoy and live their lives.
How is being coached using The Sedona Method® different than therapy, meditation or other motivational programs?
The main goal of therapy is letting go of unwanted feelings and emotions. When using The Sedona Method®, you’re not dependent on someone else to release as you can learn it on your own or be coached.
To benefit from meditation, your eyes are closed and you have to withdraw from the world. This practice can also take weeks, months, or years to realize profound results. Using The Sedona Method®, you will be able to achieve the same results and more, in much less time with an “eyes open” approach. Instead of withdrawing from the world, you will be more “involved” in it. Since this method is performed with your eyes open, you will be able to release in the middle of any situation in life, while it is occurring, and before it has the opportunity to negatively affect you. There are no limitations to where and when you release
Motivational CDs are wonderful while you are listening to them, but the effect is not lasting. Also, your motivation is dependent on an external source. With The Sedona Method®, you will learn how to create and activate your own motivation which you will be able to tap into whenever you need it. There is no need to follow anyone’s orders, but your own direction. You will become your greatest teacher and coach.
We’ve all heard the expression “No pain, no gain,” so how is it achievable to sincerely release without dredging up the past and re-experiencing the pain?
A place resides within us that is more “core” than simply a collection of memories and thoughts from our past. It is a calm place from where we can observe the events of our lives and not be negatively affected by them. You will learn how to access this part of you. As you bring your past issues to your awareness you will see them dissolve more easily.
The Sedona Method® will help make clear the fundamental underlying driving forces that bring about all the pain, suffering, and displeasure you need to release. It will also equip you with the means of releasing all that you uncover as a result of your new awareness.
If The Sedona Method® is remarkably simple, why isn’t everyone using it?
In reality, everyone does practice this method to some degree. Releasing is a completely natural experience, which we have all benefited from at some time in life. The Sedona Method® teaches you how to utilize the releasing experience so you can consistently and continually let go of unwanted feelings and emotions when you choose instead of only by accident.
Why haven’t I heard of the Sedona Method®?
Until recently the only way to find out about The Sedona Method® was to be on one of the direct mail lists or to know someone who’s taken one of the seminars or bought a home study course. Now, there is more on the Internet, a national publicity campaign, and in the newly released The Greatest Secret. There is a wise saying: “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” So, perhaps the reason you are just now finding out about it is that you are now ready for it.