Our work together will be effortless, time-saving, and cost effective.

What makes our work together special and different from other coaches is my understanding of vibrational energy and working with The Sedona Method® – both of which allow you to move quickly in your self-exploration and meeting your goals.

I am joyfully offering my years of healing, business, and spiritual experience and coaching with The Sedona Method ® to anyone who wants to be truly happy and successful in their lives. I have an ongoing commitment to deepening my own anti-racism. I welcome and look forward to coaching all Black, Indigenous, and People of Color.

It is all about YOU.

I am committed to being there for you totally, wherever you are at and without an agenda of my own. Before we meet, I create a safe energetic space within which to do our work, whether in person or through the astral planes of the phone or computer.

While we are talking, I listen to what you are telling me on all levels: physical, emotional, mental, and energetic. This way of opening to all that you are, allows me to support you more profoundly in your self-exploration and reaching your personal and professional goals.

My role during our time together is to support and guide your self-exploration.

What you focus on is what you get … and The Law of Attraction.

Vibrational energy is the basis of all life.

Health is a vibrant connection to the Earth, to our higher selves, and to God/Spirit. Every aspect of self from a cell to our emotions and beliefs has its own vibration and knows what it needs. When vibrational energies are congruent, life thrives. When they are not, disease, deadlock or stagnation occur.

The Law of Attraction is based on corresponding energies so when we get our mind out of the way, focus on what we want, and get energetic support, our bodies, hearts, and even the Earth can heal.

We will work together on creating vibrant health in all aspects of your life.

“All is well, only your mind tells you otherwise”.

There are many approaches to creating a life that is creative, joyful, and abundant. Having explored many of these healing, esoteric, and spiritual traditions that work with the mind and body, I have come to believe that ALL IS truly well. In my experience, The Sedona Method® is the easiest and best way to work with our thoughts, feelings, and emotions to live in the knowingness that all is well.

It helps us to be here now, and create that happiness that each of us is searching for. It’s a way of asking simple questions that focus and dive deep into who you are and your goals. As a Certified Sedona Method® Coach, I can guide you more more quickly and effectively in your releasing.

We will work together using The Sedona Method® to find clarity and action needed for your goals.

As you get clarity, release limiting beliefs, and are energetically in alignment with what you want, ALL will be there. There is nothing else you need to DO.