Some of my thoughts from the past couple of years on Healing, Climate Change, Earth Energies, Professional Supervision, Business, and The Sedona Method.
Releasing the Energy of Others
Hi, my name is Reva Seybolt and I'm here today to talk about releasing the energy of others. In...
Releasing on Vaccinations
Today I'd like to talk to you about vaccinations. Each of us that have the vaccination available...
Being Comfortable With Imperfection
I've been asked to speak about being comfortable with imperfection. That one has often been hard...
Breaking Unhealthy Relationships
I've been asked to speak about the Sedona Method and how it affects breaking family relationships,...
Freedom is the reason I do the Sedona Method. We hear a lot about freedom today politically, from...
Your Special Gift
In this video I talk about your special gift, your uniqueness, what you bring. We all want to walk...
Embracing Silence
In today's video I talk about silence. This is my favorite time of year to talk about silence...
New Year’s Resolutions
Happy New Year - the time of solstice which is the end of the northern hemisphere's calendar and...
What You Focus On Is What You Get
In today's video I talk about another one of my favorite subjects which is What You Focus On Is...
Letting go of habits and beliefs
In today’s video I talk about breaking bad habits, breaking limiting belief systems, letting go of...
Creating Loving Relationships
In this video I talk about creating more loving relationships in our lives. All of us have a...
Creating More Energy in Your Life
In this video I talk about having more energy in your life. It's something that's really important...
Letting Go Of Our Stories
In today’s video I talk about stories. Stories are those words that we have about situations,...
Finding and Living Your Passion
I work with the Sedona Method which is a wonderful set of questions and understandings of how we...
Limiting Belief Systems
In this video I talk about limiting belief systems. Those are those beliefs that we have that we...
What is the Sedona Method?
Frequently people ask me, well, what is the Sedona Method anyway? What the Sedona Method is, is a...
Living From The Heart
In this video I talk to you about something that's very dear to my heart and very central to how I...
Triple Welcoming
In this video I tell you about a really easy way to release something that's bugging you. It's...
Finding Your Feet
In this video I share with you something I've learned from working with lots of clients over the...
The Spring Equinox, Disequilibrium, and the Coronavirus
This year’s Spring or Vernal Equinox happens tonight March 19 at 11:49 pm DST (Friday, March 20th...
Trust and Taking Refuge
My parents did a lot of things right. I have only one major complaint. In their efforts to protect...
My apologies for my long silence. All of my personal commitments for 2019 fell into mid-August...
Keeping my world open to Magic is most important to me. For me, Magic are those events...
Personal Side Note on Process
I have been having great difficulty with my blog this, now last week. Partly because it is the end...
What you think about pain determines how you work with pain
Pain is this amazing self-communication - whether physical, emotional, or mental. It is a STOP...
Lush Pasture and Monarch Butterflies
I have been talking about climate change and what we can do beyond ‘changing the light bulbs’ and...
Climate Change and Business
One of the more pessimistic writers on climate change is David Wallace-Wells who talks about the...
Your Dream Customer
So we have a price and a concept for marketing, what we need is customers that are in line with...
Marketing From the Heart
Marketing is the process of creating relationships with and satisfying customers (Wikipedia). When...
The top three major reasons for business failure are undercapitalization, undercapitalization, and...
Strategic Planning in the time of Climate Change
Having made sure that your goals and energy are congruent and that you can recognize when they...
When it isn’t working – now what?
This is where the sense of humor fits in. The ability to laugh at ourselves, to have compassion...
Energy Congruency in Business
I think of humans as being at the center with a connection up and out to Spirit and a connection...
What you focus on is what you get!
Have you ever had the experience of throwing a ball and noticing what you don’t want to hit? Even...
What business are you in?
A successful business and life are based upon a coherent energy flow, clear boundaries and...
The 4-D Wheel
The Four-Dimensional Wheel of Sexual Experience grew out of Gina Ogden’s ground breaking work on...
The Business of Your Practice
I have worked successfully with counsellors, psychotherapists, ministers, intuitives, healers,...
Summer Solstice and 11 Years
Happy Summer Solstice - Today June 21st! Summer has begun and here in Vermont, I can finally take...
The Contract
I feel that some sort of written agreement with a supervisee is very important. It can be in the...
The Client’s Needs
The first goal of professional supervision is the safety of the client, both within the...
The Professional’s Needs – Why Supervision?
Professional supervision is an enabling process for the client which offers the opportunity on a...
What do I mean by looking at the energetic aspects in supervision? When I begin with a...
I believe that the goal of professional supervision is to provide a safe place for the service...
Think Globally, Act Locally
I believe that humans and the Earth have had a mutually interactive relationship with humans...
How do we adapt our personal lives to include the realities of Climate Change? I would ask the...
Energy Lines and Geopathic Stress
There are energy lines and water veins that run across and through the earth. Dowsers can locate...
Geomancy is the relationship between people and place. In the east, it is called Feng Shui. It is...
Production Agriculture
The following can be an outline for anyone working with a small piece of land, a garden, or a few...
I started dowsing to get answers to questions in the late 1980s when I went to my first American...
Clearing and Building Relationship – Part Two
Next, I move around the space in a rough circle using my intention, my connection with the...