

Geomancy is the relationship between people and place. In the east, it is called Feng Shui. It is core to all shamanic and traditional cultures. Throughout history, people have had a conscious relationship to the place where they live and work. In right relationship,...
Production Agriculture

Production Agriculture

The following can be an outline for anyone working with a small piece of land, a garden, or a few livestock. You don’t have to be in production or working a large tract to use these concepts. When I work with someone and their production land, we start by clarifying...


I started dowsing to get answers to questions in the late 1980s when I went to my first American Society of Dowsers Annual Convention in Vermont ( Then thanks to Sig Lonegren’s work (, dowsing began to be a part of my daily life. If I...
Clearing and Building Relationship – Part Two

Clearing and Building Relationship – Part Two

Next, I move around the space in a rough circle using my intention, my connection with the Spirits, and something physical that has cleansing power such as burning sage, blessed water, or a crystal. I demand that the emotions and/or energy left by earlier humans leave...