Creating More Energy in Your Life

Creating More Energy in Your Life

In this video I talk about having more energy in your life. It’s something that’s really important to me personally. I’ve always wanted to have more energy in my life, and most people say I am one the most energetic beings they know. But I want a...
Letting Go Of Our Stories

Letting Go Of Our Stories

In today’s video I talk about stories. Stories are those words that we have about situations, thoughts, feelings, whatever. They may be short, like I ran out of gas, or they may be long and involved and involve many years and many people. But they’re all stories. The...
Finding and Living Your Passion

Finding and Living Your Passion

I work with the Sedona Method which is a wonderful set of questions and understandings of how we are as people that allow us to move through our blocks and move towards the life we want and create the life we want. One thing that happens frequently is people come to...
Limiting Belief Systems

Limiting Belief Systems

In this video I talk about limiting belief systems. Those are those beliefs that we have that we can’t do something, for whatever reason: our color, our age, our skills, our sex, anything. One of the ways that we keep those limiting belief systems is we talk...
What is the Sedona Method?

What is the Sedona Method?

Frequently people ask me, well, what is the Sedona Method anyway? What the Sedona Method is, is a philosophy and a set of questions. The philosophy on the bigger scale is probably very close to nonduality in the sense of on a bigger scale, it’s welcoming to the...