When it isn’t working – now what?

When it isn’t working – now what?

This is where the sense of humor fits in. The ability to laugh at ourselves, to have compassion for self and all the other “idiots”, and to give ourselves a little time allows the energy to work for you and is the first line in times of uncertainty, total chaos, and...
Energy Congruency in Business

Energy Congruency in Business

I think of humans as being at the center with a connection up and out to Spirit and a connection down to the Earth with concentric circles of their energy moving out in all directions. When something or someone is congruent with their energy, the energy folds it into...
What you focus on is what you get!

What you focus on is what you get!

Have you ever had the experience of throwing a ball and noticing what you don’t want to hit? Even if you have a huge space to land the ball in, guaranteed it will hit the thing that you didn’t want to hit. That is the negative example of focus leading to achievement....
What business are you in?

What business are you in?

A successful business and life are based upon a coherent energy flow, clear boundaries and objectives, recognition of opportunity (when to allow, when to act), connection to self, and a good sense of humor. Managing holistically means always placing your work within...
The 4-D Wheel

The 4-D Wheel

The Four-Dimensional Wheel of Sexual Experience grew out of Gina Ogden’s ground breaking work on sexuality and spirituality, our work together in the energy realms/multidimensionality, Oscar Miro Quesada’s Peruvian mesa, and all her beloved colleages along the way....