by RevaSeybolt | Jun 24, 2019 | Professional Supervision
I have worked successfully with counsellors, psychotherapists, ministers, intuitives, healers, spiritual counselors, bodyworkers, energy workers, psychics, astrologers, occupational, art, and massage therapists. I welcome working with practitioners in all the service...
by RevaSeybolt | Jun 21, 2019 | Climate Change, Professional Supervision
Happy Summer Solstice – Today June 21st! Summer has begun and here in Vermont, I can finally take off my long underwear . The spring weather here has been unusually cool and wet, enough to be giving the farmers a very hard time. What does an earth holiday and...
by RevaSeybolt | Jun 17, 2019 | Professional Supervision
I feel that some sort of written agreement with a supervisee is very important. It can be in the form of a brief outline or more formal. In the first session with a new supervisee, we discuss their goals for supervision and then their goals for how their practice will...
by RevaSeybolt | Jun 13, 2019 | Professional Supervision
The first goal of professional supervision is the safety of the client, both within the relationship with the therapist/professional and within their own lives. Confidentiality is the beginning. The client also needs to understand high ethical standards and...
by RevaSeybolt | Jun 10, 2019 | Professional Supervision
Professional supervision is an enabling process for the client which offers the opportunity on a regular basis to review and identify solutions to problems, improve practice, and increase understanding of professional and clinical issues within a safe, supportive...