by RevaSeybolt | Jun 6, 2019 | Professional Supervision
What do I mean by looking at the energetic aspects in supervision? When I begin with a client/supervisee, we discuss what they want in supervision. First step after that is to ensure that their space is clean and cleared of all energies that do not support their goals...
by RevaSeybolt | Jun 5, 2019 | Professional Supervision
I believe that the goal of professional supervision is to provide a safe place for the service professional to talk through what is really happening or not happening within and about their practice/business. I have seen too many examples of paying for professional...
by RevaSeybolt | May 30, 2019 | Climate Change, Earth Energies
I believe that humans and the Earth have had a mutually interactive relationship with humans feeding the land on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels while we worked with the land and waters to create sustenance and beauty. The cultures that followed this path...
by RevaSeybolt | May 27, 2019 | Climate Change, Earth Energies
How do we adapt our personal lives to include the realities of Climate Change? I would ask the question a bit differently, how do we re-balance our lives based on a right relationship with the Earth? For most of us, our lives are out-of-balance, not well grounded, or...
by RevaSeybolt | May 23, 2019 | Earth Energies
There are energy lines and water veins that run across and through the earth. Dowsers can locate these by map dowsing and then to be more exact by walking the land. Geopathic Stress is the study of the effect of the earth energies from underground water, some mineral...