How do we adapt our personal lives to include the realities of Climate Change?

I would ask the question a bit differently, how do we re-balance our lives based on a right relationship with the Earth? For most of us, our lives are out-of-balance, not well grounded, or not in right relationship with the Earth Energies. In the earlier blogs we have discussed some ideas for self-healing and opening up your relationship with the Earth Energies. Here I want to touch on putting balance back in your life.

There is a built in stress that never ceases when we are out-of-balance. There are the huge issues of balancing between work and your personal life as well as money pressures.

I would like to suggest some more basic survival questions relating to your physical world:

  • Do you love living in the climate and geography of your region?
  • What does the future hold for climate change in your region ?
  • Can you build relationship with the earth where you live, sleep, and work ?
  • Can you buy local, healthy food for at least half of the year ?
  • Is there a good long term supply of potable water ?
  • Does your community relate to climate change issues ?
  • How much of you are you shutting down in order to maintain your current life?
  • Is there magic in your life ?
  • Are you willing to spend/tithe 30 minutes everyday adapting and moving toward balance?

My answer to those questions led to my leaving the land and in the community that I loved for over half of my life. In 2017, I moved north from northeastern Connecticut. Over the forty years I had lived there, the weather had become increasingly hot and humid to the point where I was miserable.Where I live now in Vermont, there is six months of winter and I wake up happy every day rather than stressed. I also moved because Connecticut could no longer support the relationship with the Earth Energies that I needed – too many people, too disconnected. As I was way out-of-balance, I needed to move before it was too late for me.

Making a geographic move is drastic.

It took me five years to let go and create a plan and then three years to implement it. Adapting more slowly may be your way. I suggest beginning by tithing your time – start by spending 30 minutes everyday or a morning/afternoon/evening a week consciously rebalancing your daily life and/or building relationship with the Earth around you. Ask yourself “ Given who I am and my resources, what actions will recreate a resilient life connected to the Earth?” Involving your partner, family, or friends in this quest obviously is vital. When you feel overwhelmed by all latest information about climate change or if this just becomes something else yet to do, invite Spirit to help you and look for thoughts, information, dreams, experiences, and people that are there guide you back to balance.

People tell me that I was brave to move. Choosing is much less painful than being forced into making changes. My experience was that if I listened to my body and heart, there was no choice but to find a better home from which to be happy and be able to give to our community and the Earth.