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Climate Change and Business

Climate Change and Business

One of the more pessimistic writers on climate change is David Wallace-Wells who talks about the uninhabitable earth. He writes about heat, food, plagues, air quality, war, economic collapse, and poisoned oceans as all being inevitable in our lifetime. Tough stuff to read. Bill Mckibben’s recent summary is more apt for many: the habitable area […]

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customers that are in line with what business we are in

Your Dream Customer

So we have a price and a concept for marketing, what we need is customers that are in line with what business we are in. We want our dream customer – someone who will appreciate and use our product or service. Someone who is already energetically connected to what we are offering. We want to […]

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Marketing is the process of creating relationships

Marketing From the Heart

Marketing is the process of creating relationships with and satisfying customers (Wikipedia). When I went to Business School a long time ago, it was the process of promoting and selling your product. Some people still think that selling is enough and it may be with cheap and mass produced stuff. I don’t want to live […]

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The top three major reasons for business failure are undercapitalization, undercapitalization, and undercapitalization. Starting a business and growing a business takes much more money, resources, and time that we are expecting in our initial planning. For women, the form this usually takes is undervaluing their time and/or services by raising too little capital or charging […]

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what business are you in

What business are you in?

A successful business and life are based upon a coherent energy flow, clear boundaries and objectives, recognition of opportunity (when to allow, when to act), connection to self, and a good sense of humor. Managing holistically means always placing your work within the context of your environment and your total life. To make this success […]

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