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Wheel of the Year


My apologies for my long silence. All of my personal commitments for 2019 fell into mid-August through mid- October and my blog time disappeared. I return to you now to honor the change of season known as Samhain in Celtic lands, All Saint’s Day in the Christian Church, Day of the Dead in Mexico, and […]

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Think Globally, Acti Locally

Think Globally, Act Locally

I believe that humans and the Earth have had a mutually interactive relationship with humans feeding the land on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels while we worked with the land and waters to create sustenance and beauty. The cultures that followed this path were successful in being sustainable through “working with” rather than “having dominion […]

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How do we adapt our personal lives to include the realities of Climate Change? I would ask the question a bit differently, how do we re-balance our lives based on a right relationship with the Earth? For most of us, our lives are out-of-balance, not well grounded, or not in right relationship with the Earth […]

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Geomancy is the relationship between people and place. In the east, it is called Feng Shui. It is core to all shamanic and traditional cultures. Throughout history, people have had a conscious relationship to the place where they live and work. In right relationship, the physical aspects of place: the geology, topography, water, wind, weather, […]

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Production Agriculture

Production Agriculture

The following can be an outline for anyone working with a small piece of land, a garden, or a few livestock. You don’t have to be in production or working a large tract to use these concepts. When I work with someone and their production land, we start by clarifying the goals and objectives that […]

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I started dowsing to get answers to questions in the late 1980s when I went to my first American Society of Dowsers Annual Convention in Vermont ( Then thanks to Sig Lonegren’s work (, dowsing began to be a part of my daily life. If I don’t have an answer to a question or need […]

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