Next, I move around the space in a rough circle using my intention, my connection with the Spirits, and something physical that has cleansing power such as burning sage, blessed water, or a crystal.

I demand that the emotions and/or energy left by earlier humans leave – NOW!  I let the Energies deal with where it goes. As with everything else, this is about intention. Sometimes it only takes one modest clearing. Sometimes, especially in complicated places where there has been multiple abuses, it takes clearing in layers. At any time, you can always call in another person with a stronger intention to help you.

When I feel that the clearing is done for that day, I ask the land or place to tell me how I can support or feed it.

Again, trust what you notice as a response. We can only understand what we already know about so you may find yourself doing something from your childhood or own culture. I find that especially in the beginning, we are asked to give something from the Earth back to the Earth such as food, wine, plants, water, and the like. If what you hear feels wrong in any way,then ask again or do what would feel right to you. This is about opening your heart to a place not doing perfect ceremony.

When you feel like you are complete for that day, thank and release the Energies and close the space for now.

This is about relationship so it is the beginning of being conscious of your connection. You can bring an offering and/or just  be with the Energies as often as you want. The more frequent, the more you will understand, the deeper the connection, and the greater healing for you and the Earth.

If you live in an apartment, in the city, or somewhere that the connection to the land isn’t as obvious, you can still clear your space and the land underneath.

First ground into the Earth even if it feels far away. I would suggest using water from a natural source that has been blessed (by someone special which could be you). Walk around the perimeter of your place sprinkling a little water towards the exterior walls with extra attention to the windows and doors. You can also do this with your car. I am also sometimes drawn to do this in public places in which case what I do is much more subtle. Enjoy and know that this is real even if your mind doesn’t think so.