In this video I talk about creating more loving relationships in our lives.

All of us have a concept of what a loving relationship looks like, what it feels like: either a little bit from this person or a little bit from that person, a little bit from another person, maybe we even have one person that embodies it all.

For me, loving relationships come first from loving myself so I’m capable of being present for other people. Someone said to me the other day that I didn’t complain very much and they were surprised and I said, well, there’s nothing to complain about. Either I fix it, I get in line with it, or release on it, but I don’t see a lot of things to complain about. I could, but why make ruin/waste your time listening to my complaints?

So one of the first things I do in creating a loving relationship is love myself such that I can be present for the person. Do my releasing so that when I’m in their presence, I’m really there for them. I don’t mean codependent, step away from myself. I mean open heart, present, there.

And in doing that, I allow them to do the same thing back. Now, some people are able to meet me there and some people are not able to meet me there. Some people can only meet me there part way.

I get to decide what kind of relationship I want. If I want a casual relationship or I want a more intimate relationship. Is the person able to meet me? Am I able to meet them? Am I able to say what’s going on for me? Are they able to say what’s going on for them?

All that to me comes from being grounded with an open heart and willing to be present for people. If you’re not able to do that, it’s really hard to get loving relationships because you’re not loving the person in front of you.

I’m not a saint. I don’t love everybody. Some days things work better. Some people/things work better. Sometimes I really screw up. Sometimes it just works amazingly. Sometimes it doesn’t, but I turn that over to Spirit. I show up as best I can with this open heart and I allow Spirit/The Universe to put the people in front of me that there’s possibility of having that relationship with.

And for you, it’ll be a different group of people than for me. But it is possible to have the quality of relationships that you want, for each group. In other words, if it’s just a casual relationship, I just want to, you know, say my piece and get through, say their piece and get through. If there’s something depthful, I bring more.

So just think about when you don’t feel like you’ve got loving relationships. Just drop down into your heart, into the limiting belief systems you have about yourself and the other people, and as you let them go, the relationship will appear.

Enjoy. Thank you.