In this video I talk about having more energy in your life.

It’s something that’s really important to me personally. I’ve always wanted to have more energy in my life, and most people say I am one the most energetic beings they know. But I want a feeling of more access to energy in my life.

How do you do that? How do you get more energy in your life? The first thing I’ve learned is you go into your heart. You drop into your heart because the mind saps a lot of energy by telling you what’s wrong, what you can do, what you can’t do. So just drop into your heart.

And are you willing to consider the possibility that your heart knows what it is you need, that your heart knows what it is that you want, truly want and has the energy to create it?

I believe that the heart is the way to energy. The heart is the energy source. So are you willing to drop into your heart and follow that guidance? Now, if you’re like me, it doesn’t last very long because the mind comes in and says, yes, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla.

And that’s what I use the Sedona Method for. When I find that I’m out of my heart, I go to the Sedona Method to calm down the chatter, to remind me of who I am, and how to get back into my heart. It brings me back to my heart. It shows me the way back.

What is our hearts? To me, our heart is just our doors. And I don’t necessarily mean your literal heart, though it does for us, happen in that part of our bodies. To me, the heart is the door to beingness, the door to knowing of the oneness that we all are. That I’m not just Reva, mind-body called Reva, but I am something more than Reva, interconnected with everything on this, in this world, on this planet, in this universe.

And when I work from that place, from that place of heartfelt, I’m no longer swimming upstream. I’m going with the stream. But it’s really hard for our minds to believe that it’s that easy and that our hearts really can get us there.

And having spent most of a lifetime listening to my mind a lot of the time, I can suggest that the heart really does get you there. But you have to suspend the mind in order to hear the heart.

So if you want more energy in your life, try being in your heart, try following through and being with what your heart desires you to do and the passion that comes with it. It’s really that easy and it really is possible. For me, the key is doing something with the mind so it doesn’t sabotage me.

May your heart be full.
Thank you.