EARTH ENERGIES - You and Your Home/Land

Living in balance in your home and on the land is the basis of living a healthy life.

If the energies of your physical world, especially where you sleep and eat are not alive and healthy, you can’t be vibrant, creative, and whole. Many of us found that out over the past two years during the Covid “lockdowns”.

Does your space support your life? Is your life thriving? Is this the right place for you? Does it need some tweaking or major changes? Do you have enough contact with nature and the earth? If you have animals, how are they doing? If you own land, is it prospering and vital? Is the neighborhood alive? And in the bigger picture, how is and how will climate change affect the land underneath you? Both locally and in your area?

If you want to explore these sorts of questions, I can assist you. As a dedicated student of earth energies, I have helped apartment dwellers, suburban house owners, rural land owners, businesses, and small farmers explore what is happening or not happening in their space and on their land. Learning to and deepening your listening to the Earth and its energies can lead you to a much more supportive and profound experience of being human as well as “fixing” a problem.

It is wonderful to go out into “Nature” and away from the hectic human spheres to revive ourselves and honor the beauty of Nature, but how can we support the land and energies where we live and work which are also a part of Nature? How can you create resilience and balance in yourself and on your piece of the Earth?

Your relationship with your physical surroundings is not just important for your health and wellbeing, but also for the whole Earth. The deeping of human interaction with Gaia is healing. Feed Gaia instead of always taking from her leads to a further understanding of ways to nourish our physical worlds and the Earth. We begin to create balance.

Methods for Creating Balance

  • learning to listen and see more profoundly the natural world and other beings
  • communicating more effectively with the Earth and her beings
  • having clean and clear goals that are congruent with those involved
  • using dowsing to clarify

By implementing these skills, you will experience a deeper and more active relationship with nature, the land, and all beings.

On a deeper level, we are all one and duality is but a dream. From that understanding of reality, we are all one with the earth and all its beings. How does your question/issue look from that perspective? We can work together from that perspective too.

We can meet on the phone and/or I can travel to your location. Sometimes spirit removals and other changes can be done from a distance. Travel costs and fees are determined on an individual basis.


Honoring the Earth and All Beings While Working the Land.

I do this work with great gratitude for Sig Lonegren, Mark Rashid, and Oscar Miro-Quesada.


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