There are energy lines and water veins that run across and through the earth.

Dowsers can locate these by map dowsing and then to be more exact by walking the land. Geopathic Stress is the study of the effect of the earth energies from underground water, some mineral deposits, and energy or ley lines on humans and other beings. The energies are beneficial or detrimental due to their vibrational effect over time on the immune system. Some plants and animals like cats and snakes do well living over ley lines. For humans, most mammals, and many trees their long term effect is negative.

Locating water veins is important for getting potable water.

Having underground water domes and water veins run underneath your buildings in general is not detrimental as long as it is NOT under an area where you spend a lot of time like the kitchen, bedroom, or office. The same is true for energy or ley lines. You don’t want to be living over a highway and you may not appreciate the non-physical beings who travel those lines showing up on a regular basis. It makes little difference as to how far above the water or energy you are. Animals in the wild will avoid living over both energy and water lines, but have no choice when confined in an area over them. The lines are also migration paths for some animals like deer so are best not used as building sites whenever possible.

However, most of the world’s sacred sites whether it be Chartres Cathedral or the local healing well sit over a conjunction of energy lines.

The energy is used in these cases to boost healing and connection to the other realms over a short time. In colonial times, churches were sited whenever possible with their front doors facing up the energy line. Skilled dowsers, geomancers, and shamans can either redirect or neutralize water veins or energy lines in situations where they are causing negativity or ill health. Feng Shui and Bagua principles are the Chinese tradition of working with place and the underlying water and energy. If there is a difficult-to-diagnose illness, unhappy animals or children, or an uncomfortable living space, check out the possibility of underlying water and energy issues.

A wonderful book about the rediscovery of ley lines in England is John Michel’s The View Over Atlantis. As with the earlier blog on Geomancy, you can check out my three favorite geomancers:  Sig Lonegren  Patrick MacManaway  Oscar Miro-Quesada
and there is lots of information on the web re Geomancy, Bagua, and Feng Shui.