I work with the Sedona Method which is a wonderful set of questions and understandings of how we are as people that allow us to move through our blocks and move towards the life we want and create the life we want.

One thing that happens frequently is people come to me saying they have a passion to do or be something and it’s not happening. And they go, why? Well, in my experience, it’s because we have limiting belief systems about the passion, about ourselves, about the world, that don’t allow us to step into it.

And we have emotions that are attached to it that are in the way so we can’t move forward. One of the things I’d like you to think about is if you have a passion, what are the belief systems that stand in your way of being it, doing it, and what are the emotions? And each of those can be released by using the Triple Welcoming Method, or could you-would you-when, or any of the methods that allow you to welcome what’s here and release it. Some things are very simple to release and some have more depth.

By releasing what keeps you from moving forward, you can have and create your passion. Some folks use the Sedona Method which I love and use a lot.

Some folks use Abraham-Hicks’ Law of Attraction. But I find that Abraham-Hicks’ Law of Attraction plus the Sedona Method are a perfect combination, because it allows me to release those limiting belief systems and move towards what I want.

So I support you in finding and living your passion and I support you in trying and using the Sedona Method questions.