In this video I share with you something I’ve learned from working with lots of clients over the years.

When folks come into my office, they’re usually worried about something, thinking about something, something that is really important to them.

As we get going, I usually ask them “Can you find your feet?” They always laugh and they say, “Oh yuh, I‘ve got feet.” I say “No, can you find your feet? You know, they’re down there.”

I ask them to breathe down through their body, through their torso, to their hips, to their legs, ankles and down into their feet and see, if they can as if they were breathing in and out, if they can take the breath in through the sole of the foot and then send it out through the sole of the foot.

So I’d like to ask you if you can find your feet. “Can you find your feet? In other words, are you grounded?”

So just take a breath. Send it down through your legs and out your feet. If there’s a part of either leg or foot that you can’t relate to, can’t get through, just caressing with your breath, your awareness. Just being really gentle. This is just opening your body to your feet. Because if you open to your feet, you open to the Earth and in opening to the Earth, you open to the strength that the Earth offers us as physical beings.

We spend so much time in our heads: thinking, on the computer, worrying, talking, that we forget, most of us, that are connected to the Earth. Even friends of mine that are farmers sometimes forget because they’re worrying about something.

So see if you can find your feet. And when you do, just bring your breath easily and effortlessly. This isn’t a big deal. This is really relaxed and easy. Bring it in and out.

Then I usually go to the next step which is: “Are you connected to all that is, all the above?”

So I ask them, once they found their feet, you want to find your feet first because you want to be grounded in your physical beingness, then I ask them to find that spot in the top of their head where babies are really soft, the crown chakra. I ask them if they can breathe in and out, bringing air in and out of their crown chakra and down.

If it causes or gives them a headache or they can’t do it or they hit a steel door, fine, just then gently caress it. You don’t have to do it today, but it’s a habit you can build and open that door to the heavens, to spirit, to however you view All That Is, that which is bigger and wider than you are.

So then once they feel like they can do that, both of those easily, I suggest that they inhale through their feet and exhale through their head. Again, regular breath, nothing special. So try that, if you can inhale through your feet, bring energy and awareness up from your feet and out the top of your head. Then we add the other way, bringing it down through your head, down through your feet and just notice.

The idea is just to notice your body, where it’s tight, where there’s tension. What’s going on?

It’s a practice in being here now, noticing who you are and your physicalness, an opening to the physicalness. And if you have an injury somewhere. Just breathe into that injury. It will help whatever the area that is injured.

Then ultimately where we’re going is that you breathe down it up at the same time. It goes around in your lungs and your heart and goes back out. That’s the way you breathe. Just open to that wonderful, wonderful breath.

So that’s the first thing I ask clients. Can you find your feet? And then we go on from there because once they’re finding their feet, usually half of the issue disappears because they were ungrounded and couldn’t get clear with their heart on what they wanted.

So have fun finding your feet.

Thank you.