Freedom is the reason I do the Sedona Method. We hear a lot about freedom today politically, from different sides, and different conversations about freedom, what freedom is.

For me, freedom is the ability to be who I am, authentically. And to do what needs to be done. And I believe for me that that freedom comes, from my experience, from doing the releasing around the Sedona Method and understanding that I am not my belief systems, that I am not my emotions.

That I am awareness that comes through the being called Reva, mind-body called Reva. And that as I release limiting belief systems and release limiting emotions, this incredible sense of freedom is appearing.

Sometimes it comes occasionally. Sometimes it just overwhelms me, of like, wow. What it would be like not to be limited by belief systems that aren’t real, what it would be like to be limited and be really, unlimited I mean, and be in my heart, fully and able to be present, able to do some form of what I want to do. Maybe not, it doesn’t look exactly what I imagined, but that I can walk my path, be there for people, be there for myself, be there for Mother Earth.

Wow, what if it’s possible to be that free and not confined? Inside as well as outside.

So I open to you the possibility that by releasing belief systems and exploring who you are, that you can find a freedom beyond your wildest dreams. I know it sounds hokey, but it is true. I’m witness to it and friends I’ve seen. What it would be like to be free inside because that’s all that really matters in the end.

So I hold that thought of freedom out to you and we’d love to hear your thoughts and explorations of your own freedom.

Thank you.