In today’s video I talk about stories.

Stories are those words that we have about situations, thoughts, feelings, whatever. They may be short, like I ran out of gas, or they may be long and involved and involve many years and many people. But they’re all stories.

The way our minds function, as I understand it, is our minds function on stories. The only problem with stories is they keep us locked into the emotions and the thoughts, and feelings and sensations that go with the stories.

So by repeating the stories over and over and over and over, even though the goal of the story is to convey to someone else what’s going on or to be able to lay the groundwork so then you can let them go, just the act of repeating them in your mind or verbally or writing them keeps them alive and keeps the energies that they entail alive in your life. So many times people come to healing situations where they want to make a change, and they want to tell the story forever and ever and ever. But all that does is keep them in the past and not in the present.

So one of the things you might think about in making changes in your life and in your daily habits that you might want to let go of, is look at the stories that you talk about all the time: the short stories, the big stories, the story that I’m fat, the story that I’m smart, the story that I’m a certain color or have certain experiences, or I have a certain relationship with my mother or my father. Those stories lock us into a past that only exists in our head.

By letting go of those stories, not feeding the energy of those stories, we can unlock all that energy that’s locked in the stories and It’s available to us and we can be who we are because who we are in this moment isn’t who we were five minutes ago. We’re different, that person’s gone, over. The person you are right now (and I come from lots of years of therapy), the person I am right now is not who I was and not who I will be. By being with who I am now, letting go of the stories that keep me hooked to the past or in the future, I can become much more unlimited and much more able to have my passions, be who I want to be, who I am, rather than the list of stories.

So next time you find yourself telling a story, whether it be short or long, think about whether telling that story really serves you in terms of who you are and what you want to do in your life. Thank you.