In this video I talk about limiting belief systems.

Those are those beliefs that we have that we can’t do something, for whatever reason: our color, our age, our skills, our sex, anything.

One of the ways that we keep those limiting belief systems is we talk about them all the time. So I’d like you to think about your day and how many times in a day you say, I can’t do something, something’s not appropriate, or even more importantly, the world is a certain way. If the world is a really negative way in your beliefs, it really limits your ability to move forward because you think it’s a bad world out there.

So think about the times in a day and I’d like to give you homework, in the next day or two notice every time during the day that you say something that’s limiting, that keeps you from being all that you are. Just notice how many there are.

Our goal isn’t to eliminate them each one by one, but first by noticing how many there are, then you can choose to release some of them and work through so that you don’t live in a world that’s got all these walls: you can’t, you can’t, you can’t because that doesn’t give us the space to be who we are.

So have a good day. Check out your limiting belief systems and I look forward to seeing you again.