Keeping my world open to Magic is most important to me.

For me, Magic are those events orchestrated by Spirit that have no easy rational explanation. Magic is the doorway to the mystery that is creativity, that is the soul of Spirit. Sometimes it is called “everyday miracles” or serendipity. Magic is both very small and personal and also dips into the other realms open to all of us. It is in the miracle of our bodies, in the beauty of science and nature. It is the Mystery in both the most mundane and profound sense of the word. It is JOY.

Magic happens between other things and if you aren’t open, you miss it entirely. Our planned lives keep blinders on us and we can’t see the Magic. It is the reason I don’t have a cell phone, TV or use GPS. I am a Type A by nature and tend to be ultra-focused as it is so it is hard for Spirit to get through. Add technology to my own tendencies and connection is impossible. I need Magic to stay balanced.

Magic is for me what makes my life worth living and is my direct connection to the Other.

It adds surprise and zest to the seemingly mundane. It has a sense of humor. It can be catching the sunset in the corner of your eye at just the right time to turn and face the west (or east) at its most glorious time. It is getting lost on my way somewhere and discovering something new or finding a new route that may not be the shortest but quickly becomes my favorite. I even get to stop and ask for help. Yes, I get stuck in traffic too, but so what. Once I am over my annoyance, I look around for what I am being given instead, and laugh!

Without a cell phone, yes, I miss that phone call, but I am therefore able to focus on what I am doing. Sometimes I am not in the mental place to talk. Sometimes things need to gell for a while. Lots of time, I just want to be quiet…and watch for the Magic. Driving, I can be present with the road and my thoughts, except of course when I succumb to listening to a book and then never even remember passing through Massachusetts. Yes, sometimes it is lovely to be in that other world of that book.

I talk about “ask and it is given” (which I totally believe in).

I have found however if I am not open and aware that I often miss the giving because it often comes in non-obvious packages or even sometimes so obvious that it is staring me in the face. It is so delicious to see what Spirit gives us or “the serendipity of life “if you prefer. Ester Hicks would talk about the joy of finding certain numerals. Other people love hearing puns or seeing special colors. I love finding different energy fields – they tickle me and make me laugh. My mind and awareness have to be open to recognize the presence of these gifts.

The Wiccans talk about Magick:

Magick is finding your connection to the Earth and all that is natural, alive and moving in the universe! It binds all that exists together.
Magick is living in balance with the flow of life, and knowing that you are a vital force within that flow. Magick is everywhere! In the trees, rain, stars, and in the sea. It is the spark that quickens a seed to rise up from the soil.
Magick is laughter, joy, wonder and truth of the world around us!

Magic is everywhere in nature and anywhere there are sentient beings. Some feels personal and just for me and for some I was just lucky to be there and awake. How is your magic?

Ester Hicks at