Today I’d like to talk to you about vaccinations.

Each of us that have the vaccination available to us have decided whether or not to take, to get a vaccination or more than one vaccination. And each of us have friends who’ve made other decisions. And I know for myself, my friends’ decisions spread from personally wanting to be vaxed or not wanting to be vaxed to feeling very, very strongly about vaxing and being anti-vax.

So being with those folks sometimes is fun, sometimes it’s painful, but there’s always a lot to release so I’d like to do this releasing on when people we love have a different viewpoint on vaccination than we do. Whatever your viewpoint is.

So think of someone, bringing their face to you, someone that you have some distress and discomfort and suffering about their stand on vaccinations. (Clears throat.) Excuse me.

And just open to that person, the feelings that come up when you think about them and vaccinations: the anger, the frustration, the fear, whatever, happiness, whatever. Just open to the feelings about that person that you have around the subject of vaccinations. And then just open to it a little bit more.

Sometimes opening to it is enough, just opening and letting it be. And sometimes we need to go further and actually release it. Just opening releases it, but sometimes we need to go farther. So when you think of that person, Is it possible, could you, release the feelings and responses to them? In other words, you’re holding the feelings and responses like this. Could you let them go? Is it possible?

And then the second question to ask is, Would you let it go? Are you willing to let go of the beliefs, responses to their beliefs, and maybe even a little bit of your beliefs? Are you willing to hold on less tightly to your beliefs and hold on less tightly to your response to their beliefs?

So would you let it go? It being the feelings, pictures, stories that you have about that person and their beliefs And finally, When? When invites you to do it now and since there only is now, it’s the best time to do it. Rather than tomorrow or the next day.

And then just take a breath and sit back and feel what you’re feeling about that person. Has anything shifted? Is it the same? Could you open to any beliefs used, responses, emotions, thoughts, stories you have to their beliefs about being vaccinated or not being vaccinated?

And could you open to some more? And if that’s enough, just keep opening to it. If it still feels like you’re holding on, then could you let go? Is it possible just to drop even a little bit of your response to their feelings and beliefs about vaccinations? And then secondly, would you, are you willing to let go? And when?

Sometimes at this point, it becomes really clear that the issue is our willingness to let go of the perceived rightness of our beliefs. I know, I’ve got some beliefs I don’t want to let go of because they’re right! But I also know that those beliefs give me a lot of difficulty with people that I care about. So loosening up those beliefs is a possibility. Allowing those beliefs to exist, but no longer need to make other people agree with us. No longer need to make us right and them wrong. No longer need to hold on to those beliefs like they’re a lifesaver.

So could you think of that person or another person that has different beliefs and decisions about being vaccinated for COVID? And maybe they have beliefs about what you should do too. But open to that person that you want to work with now. And could you let go? Actually, before you let go, just open again more deeply, just dive into, just open to that person and all that they are, beliefs and all, actions and all, and your response and all.

Sometimes, again that softens it and you can stop there. Sometimes you’ve got to keep going. So Could I, is it possible, to let go of my beliefs and my responses, emotional and otherwise, to that person? Would I let go of my beliefs and responses to that person? And when?

At the end of each set of three questions just, for me, I take a deep breath and just feel how I am. Is it different? Is it lighter? Is it more neutral? Is more been brought up? And I just keep following whatever comes: emotion, thought, picture, and just keep following it, welcoming it, and letting it go until I feel quiet. Sometimes people call it nothingness.

I find that I need to do this frequently because I still have some beliefs that I think are more important than the people in front of me. And that’s not a judgment. That’s just, that’s uncomfortable for me. Well, I guess it’s a judgment kind of, but it’s uncomfortable to me to think that I have a belief that I’m projecting onto someone else that makes it more important, the belief, than seeing who they are.

So I hope you can use and enjoy working with the Sedona Method and releasing the hard edges in the beliefs around COVID, both in your friends and in our cultures.

Thank you.