To give you a broader sense of the breadth of my interests, experiences and philosophy, I am sharing a longer bio.
- Middlebury College, BA economics 1972
- Harvard Business School MBA 1975
- Thomas J Watson Traveling Fellow in Latin America 1975-76
- “Women Entrepreneurs in Latin America” 1977
- Built own passive solar house CT 1978-1979
- SBA Instructor for Women Business Owners 1979-80
- Active in Co-Counseling International CCI 1980’s
- Sam Gejdenson (CT2), Walter Mondale and NOW political campaigns 1980-1984
- Exploration of Spirituality, in particular meditation, Bon, Tibetan Buddhism,
- Traveled Solo throughout Asia 1985-1986
- Met His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche Nepal 1986
- Built second passive solar house 1987-1988
- Imported Tibetan Rugs in SW American Indian Designs 1987-1992
- Trained with Rosalyn Bruyere MA & CA 1987-1993
- Studied numerous bodywork and energy modalities 1987- present
- Hands-on Healing Practice in CT, RI, MA 1988-2016
- Studied with Betsy Bizarro 1988-1994
- Worked with Sig Lonegren – Master Dowser VT, Great Britain 1990 -1994
- Apprenticeship in the “Uses and Construction of Sacred Space” 1991-1993
- Dowser 1990 -present
- Stop It Now!, Treasurer 1992-2002
- Lectured on Multiple Personality DID and Ritual Abuse 1990-1994
- CT Licensed Massage Therapist 1994-2016
- Trained with Oscar Miro-Quesada. RI Allyu 1995-1997
- Studied with Steve Moran and Trinity Seminars 1997- 2015
- First Draft Horse 1998
- Vision Quest to Bolivia 1998
- Abraham-Hicks Workshops 1999-present
- Woodstock Conservation Commission CT 1999-2004
- Woodstock Open Space and Land Acquisition Committee CT 2003-2004
- Draft Horse Hay Farmer CT 2005-2016
- The Sedona Method CT, AZ,online studied and daily practice 2005-present
- Sedona Method® Certified Coach 2009 – present
- Studying Non-Duality (Nisargadatta, Rupert Spira et al) 2008-present
- Tai Chi practice 2009-present
- Woodstock CT Agriculture Commission, Chair 2010-2017
- Draft Animal-Power Network, Treasurer,President, or Administrator 2011- 2020
- Crossfit 2013-present
- Holistic Management Training CT 2016
- Death Doula 2018
- Justice of the Peace VT 2019- present
- Pema Osel Do Ngak Choling Sangha member Mangala Shri Bhuti
- VerShare Willing Hands Food Shelf Committee VT 2021-present
- Anti-racism self study 2020- present