In this video I tell you about a really easy way to release something that’s bugging you. It’s called the Triple Welcoming.

It’s one of the ways of doing the Sedona Method, but it can be done theoretically in any way. It’s just the questions that I’m going to suggest make it easier.

The concept behind it is that you welcome whatever is there, whether it be a situation, a person, a feeling, a thought, an emotion, whatever is bugging you, welcome it. Then if you welcome it and if you find that you are resisting welcoming it, then welcome the resistance. It doesn’t matter, just welcome whatever is there.

The second thing is to ask yourself if you want to do something about it, that you want to change it. Obviously if it is bugging you, there is something you don’t like about it. You want to fix it, change it, understand it, make it go away. Any of those things, welcome that. Welcome again what’s there, which is that you are wanting to make it different.

The third question has to do with how it relates to you, how you identify with it, how you’re attached to it. In other words, do you feel like it has to do with you? Is it personal? Does it make a difference to you personally?

On the most mundane level, of course it makes a difference to you personally. On a more esoteric level, it’s a good question. Is it personal or is it bigger than you? And then you welcome that.

You keep repeating these three questions until you feel like you’re done.

So, I’d like to try a sample with you. “So, think of something that is bugging you, an emotion, a thought, feeling, a situation, just blahhh, it could be a little bug or a big bug, but it’s making you crazy. And just open to it.”

Welcome it. Just hold open your heart, your beingness. Do it as best you can. And if it’s too repugnant, then welcome the fact that you don’t want to think about it and welcome that. So, whatever was here, when I say, BLIP Welcome it.

Welcome it. Open to it. Let it be here. If welcome is too much, just open to it. Let it be here. Let that sit for a minute. Then, if I were doing it with you in person, I’d wait for you to say, yes, you’ve done that.

The second question is “Is there something you want to do with it, change it, fix it, make it better?” Again, open to whatever your response is to what’s bugging you. And just sit with that and open to it as best you can. There’s no doing this wrong or right. It’s whatever’s there. That’s the beauty of this.

Thirdly, “is it personal? Does it have something to do with you or who you are?” Open to any sense of identification you might have with the problem, the issue or whatever.

And after you feel like you’ve done that, when I’m working with someone in person to ask them to say yes or nod their head, so I know that they feel they’ve welcomed it.

Then I asked the person to sit with how they’re feeling about the issue.

And we can go through it again, same questions. Could you open to what’s here? Whatever that is and welcome it. And after you say yes… or no, welcome the resistance to it. Could you open to or welcome whatever it is you want to do about it, fix it, change it, understand it, make it different, whatever. Could you just open to that?

And then lastly, is there any sense that it is personal, has to do with you or who you are? And could you open to that? I usually scream, yes, yes, yes, yes.

So that’s the Triple Welcoming. You can do with yourself and use this. You can do it without using this and just ask those questions. The questions are really clean which is why they’re nice. And the whole concept is to welcome what’s there and allow it to move through you.

Hope you enjoyed doing the Triple Welcoming. Thank you.