This year’s Spring or Vernal Equinox happens tonight March 19 at 11:49 pm DST (Friday, March 20th at 3:49 am UTC). The Equinox in both the spring and fall is the instant of time when the sun is closest to being exactly over the equator as it moves north or south in our sky or better put, as we move around the sun on our elliptic. The Equinox marks our transition from Winter to Spring and it is the time when the day and night are almost equal in length.

Traditionally, the Equinox is celebrated by honoring that it is both a transition and a point of balance. I always do Equinox ceremonies which include both honoring the balance points in my life and my wishes for the new season. Traditionally often, a part of the Equinox celebration is to balance an egg on end (needs to be fresh and not refrigerated). I love the idea of the world for one split second being in a balanced state, a state of equilibrium.

This Equinox falls in the middle of the world-wide disequilibrium and resultant disorientation caused by the Coronavirus. This is affecting all of us rather than there being one pocket after another of abrupt change and disequilibrium scattered around the world. Walking around Montpelier, Vermont yesterday without any cars or people to speak of was totally disorienting, even though I was prepared to have that experience. Being disoriented can lead to a sense of panic and yet change can only come from disturbing the set patterns. Finding a new equilibrium can only come out of the letting go of the past.

Last night, I received an email from my dear old friend Nana. I give it here to you in full because I find that it gives us a positive way of thinking about what is happening and with the hope for the possibility of the kind of change we have all been begging for.

    “Let us remember the first Four Ways of Bon as we taught you some many, many years ago – Orientation, Disorientation, Craft & Dreaming. They occur – not always in that order, but Disorientation is usually what disrupts Orientation and creates difficulty for those of you less comfortable with change, which is almost everyone. When this process happens on a mass scale, as it is now in the world, you get a clearer sense of how totally connected to each other you are through the energy (or mind) field and it’s not so easy just to meditate and reorient – either yourself or the mass.

   The Coronavirus Pandemic is the most serious life altering event your world has experienced since there is nearly no one with living memory of the Spanish flu in 1918. The long process of forming – creation, existing – being, and dissolving – dying, is simply the way cyclic existence works. You can look at the two halves of the 26,000 year Eon cycle, or the last 2,000 years of the Piscean Age or the post WW 2 years we call the Atomic Age, but all have a beginning, a middle and an end. The end of one time means time to start over.

    The great state of Disorientation that grips your world is designed to break solidified patterns that not enough of you have been able to let go of without coercion as you pass from one cycle of existence to another. The Age of Aquarius beckons. Comfort is rarely a motivating factor for change, but change is on the way, like a great cosmic tidal wave sweeping over your world, and because time as you have known it is over, there is great resistance and a simple inability to let go of what has been – with grace or ease. No shame, no surprise, no blame. Along comes a pandemic of disease to do what you can not willingly do – Change. It will do its job. It’s best for you not to interfere. Remember the story of the Sorcerer’s Apprentice. In the cosmic sense you are all apprentices because the big picture is illusive. It’s like hysteria over a breaking wave on the shore rather than seeing the whole ocean, but when you’re caught in the undertow, chaos is reality.

    So what to do in this Disorientation? First thing is – do nothing. We realize the first impulse is to want Re-Orientation, but that is moving in the wrong direction. We suggest you be quiet, rest in silence, let your nervous system recover from the attack of stressful panic (you may need to do this several times a day for now). Open your hearts and add your energy to the Compassionate Ones who are here to soothe the fearful. They have a bigger aura and more influence than you do. Find your mind, follow the sensible suggestions outlined by medical personnel you trust, even as it feels like you are sleepwalking. You are sleepwalking. This is DISORIENTATION and resting in it is how you begin to reorient without trying to reorient. This is key.

    The fear field is too big for you to unilaterally influence. “If you can float like a feather from the sky rather than a brick from an airplane, you may not splat onto the hard ground.” Because this is a time of disorientation and most people want a return to normal, only a small few are able to think or imagine what different future they would like to create. But it is the opportunity at hand.

    Then we suggest you spend some of your quiet time imagining the world as you would like it to be rather than as it is. This is DREAMING – whether awake or asleep. “Back to normal” are now or will be the most common words on everyone’s lips. But normal is how you got into this mess. In this heightened energy field, what you put into it now will have greater influence later on than you realize. Be careful with your body, with your words and with your mind – a difficult assignment because it requires awareness of each moment.

    This is where those of you who have been on a path towards liberation for many years have advantage. You know how energy fields work, how to build them, influence them, hold energy for their manifestation by breathing slowly, evenly and being steadfast while you wait. You live in the present with your inner eye creating the path to the future you will walk toward. This is how magic works. You create it, hold energy for it and it manifests.You do this without distraction of when or for how long. This is CRAFT – how you DO anything is CRAFT.

   This difference for you now is that while the most fearful among you are in severe disorientation, they have less ability for the poison emotions of Greed, Jealousy, and Ignorance to influence. Anger, Resentment, Fear and Doubt consume bodies through thought. For the many who want change and have been disillusioned by the inability to create it, exodus is a viable solution. It is all choice. Those of you who wish to manifest Love, Compassion, Wisdom and Wholeness also have more opportunity to be effective if you can stay present with the process of falling apart without hurrying to put it all together prematurely.

   A very important point to remember is that what you think about mainly affects your own body. If you can remember to energetically align with kindred souls on the same path, and ‘bring your small light donation to the larger whole’, you will make a more effective difference. If you can cease to focus on time and mostly do nothing until your feather lands, you will realize you have a precious short window to ‘become the change you want to see’. Because the urge to reorient is so powerful, many people will reorient to the trauma of the moment and this is not recommended. Dream your Dream, do what you do (Craft) and make Light.

– In joy, Nana and company

Celebrate this Equinox, rest, take care of yourself, and explore your dreams. All the best to you all, to all of us, and for the coming season. Reva