Frequently people ask me, well, what is the Sedona Method anyway?

What the Sedona Method is, is a philosophy and a set of questions. The philosophy on the bigger scale is probably very close to nonduality in the sense of on a bigger scale, it’s welcoming to the fact that we’re all one. On a more specific issue kind of thing, it’s what you focus on stays around. So, if you focus on negative things, that’s what stays around. You focus on positive things. that’s what stays around.

It’s the ability that all of us have to let go of an emotion, let go of a feeling, let go of a belief system. That we don’t live in the jail that we feel like we live in (we don’t have to) of this belief, in that belief, in this emotion, and that emotion, of being afraid of it.

For me, the light bulb moment came on when I realized I didn’t have to be afraid of myself anymore. Many years ago, when I first started doing this, it’s like, oh, my God, I don’t have to be afraid of me. I’m getting angry or sad or I have this thought, or I do that. But I don’t have to be afraid of me anymore.

So that was why I just went kaboom to this. The reason it’s not, lots of religions, lots of spiritual beliefs have all of the big picture that The Sedona Method has. What the Sedona Method brings us is this set of really simple questions that allow you to get really down in the present, be with what’s here now, open to what’s here now, and let go of it if you want to.

They’re clean, beautiful, sweet, simple questions. They can be complicated or simple. There’s, you know, two or three main ways of asking the Sedona questions: Triple Welcoming, Could you- would you-when and good. I can’t think of the other one. Think in a second anyways.

You can get more complicated. It’s about allowing what’s here and then letting it go. Realizing that there’s nothing in your life that you can’t let go of and find out what’s underneath.

The thing about it is if the issue was like, how do I do something? If you release the feeling that you can’t figure it out, what you want to know is usually right there. You can’t do it to find anything, but if you release the doubt or whatever is going on, what you want to know is right there – whether it’s about God or whether it’s about how to fix the plumbing.

I find it just wonderful, it’s not expensive. You can do it with friends, you can go on websites, listen to me. It’s just really simple and really sweet. So, thank you for asking.