Have you ever had the experience of throwing a ball and noticing what you don’t want to hit?

Even if you have a huge space to land the ball in, guaranteed it will hit the thing that you didn’t want to hit. That is the negative example of focus leading to achievement. You not only need to focus on what you want, but also truly ignore what you don’t want. You can’t fudge on that focusing as the energy always knows.

I find that I can work through and clarify what I want to focus on – that only takes, effort, time, and support. For me, the hard part has been learning to let go of what I am afraid of, don’t want, or unsure of – the sideline issues. I can descend into worry about all the what ifs, especially right after a new decision. Keeping the focus true until it is in my bones, can be hard. Over the years, I have found Abraham-Hicks’ work and the Law of Attraction to be really helpful in my focusing any intention that I am working with.

The Law of Attraction in my words is any energy attracts the same energy.

Since thoughts are energy, any thought that you invest in, no matter how trivial, will draw to you that energy. If you create a lot of specifics around the thought, then you will even get it literally. This works across the board whether the thought is about wanting something or not wanting something. Having a NO in front of the thought still brings you the thought. You create your world not only with your actions, but also with your thoughts.

I believe that we always get what we ask for. Sometimes it takes longer and sometimes we don’t notice. I delight in the magic of the little things – wanting a piece of information and it falls into your lap from the most unlikely source, wanting to talk to someone and they call or you run into them unexpectedly, or discovering a new word and finding it everywhere. We all know of examples of people in our lives who live with clouds over their heads and the worst always happens to them. It is our own choice what to focus on.

Back to your business.

Based on your clear definition of what business you are in, you are then creating an energy field which will be successful to the extent that you are congruent with what you are creating. I just finished reading a biography of Steve Jobs where it is very clear that he knew exactly what he wanted to create in the blending of art and technology. He was a fanatic about his vision at all cost. All successful entrepreneurs are. For those of us, particularly women, who have less singular goals, this focus can be more complicated. Embracing the Law of Attraction and understanding that everything is energy are two of the first steps in creating or recreating you business – no matter what it is.

Abraham-Hicks offers lots of ways to work with your mind through books, CDs, workshop recordings, and other materials. I highly recommend diving into their ideas if you haven’t already. https://www.abraham-hicks.com/