This is where the sense of humor fits in.

The ability to laugh at ourselves, to have compassion for self and all the other “idiots”, and to give ourselves a little time allows the energy to work for you and is the first line in times of uncertainty, total chaos, and perceived disaster. Those places where your energy doesn’t line up with what you want to do are magical, especially in business because they can lead to a finer definition and a more streamlined business. Learning not to agonize is key. The Sedona Method can be a life saver here.

Here are some other ways to look at those times and situations when it isn’t working.

Are you in the business that you want to be in? Is the issue with what you are doing or with what you think you want? You will continually be fine-tuning these questions and sometimes need to go back to the drawing board. Is the road too bumpy? What changes need to be made, on the energetic, practical, and physical levels? You always start with the energetic and move to the physical because once the energetic changes, the physical often changes without your doing anything.

I find that my largest source of difficulties come from unconscious assumptions about a situation which lead to outcomes that weren’t what I was envisioning. Once I understand what happened, I usually get mad and want to run and fix the situation. I have learned to breathe, wait a minute and see if there are any interesting new possibilities contained within the “mess” in front of me. Then I go back and fix the situation.

One possible cause of difficulties is karma.

I am fascinated by the idea of Karma and recently read a *great book on the subject that let me understand my misunderstanding of the word. I look at Karma in energy terms. The energy that you came in with and affected you during your childhood is in your present energy field unless you have worked with this. The same applies with past lives too, if you believe in that. Karma is one way of explaining who you are. Like any aspect of who you are, it is not set in stone. I am slowly beginning to recognize karma as being those things that no matter what I do, nothing changes unless I change me.

If it is easy, we usually don’t spend a lot of time looking at those situations, but we should. The more time you spend in easy and fluid, the quicker you understand how to move out of the stuck places. “Feed what feeds you.” “Don’t throw good money after bad.” If you have a smart and monkey mind like mine then you are really good at tearing things apart and finding all the possible (and impossible) problems. This is great for strategic planning but not so good when working with energy. Learn it, let it go and opt for the choices that flow.

* Karma: What It Is, What it Isn’t, Why It Matters by Traleg Kyabgon 2015. Well worth reading.